Does a DAC need a large/strong power supply?

I see these inexpensive DACs on ASR that get great reviews, but people say they're not that good because of a weak power supply. Is this mostly true? Does a DAC sound better with an overkill power supply?


I can not see how a properly designed well implemented power supply would not be good for a DAC or any audio components. However, maybe not ''overkill'' power supply but, a properly designed one with quality parts. Just my $0.02 😎


There was a really good reason for the genius EE / listening focused designer of the Ayre DAC implementing a “ measure / listen “ switch….

Also, a firm believer in level matching….for valid listening tests..

God, I miss Charlie so…..

Who are we trying to please here, some measuring bot or ourselves?

I measure twice then listen! 😁 LOL
