Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?

Thanks for the encouragement!
Hope you’re right.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

I agree with char2 although in my case the CXC was great from the beginning I guess in general it needs about 50 hours to break-in as some reports I read at other forums  , further more maybe there is a need to upgrade  your coax cable to allow better transmission of the data from te CXC to your dac .dac in general needs long term break-in period not less than 100 hours so don't judge your system after so short time you have to be patient my McIntosh dac for example was lousy at the beginning very harsh and bright especially on high levels volume it took about 3 month for break-in and now it's amazing .
I’m using the CXC every day for many hours with my old DAC.  That should break it in pretty well.  When I get the new Gungy, it’ll take a while till that breaks in.

This is Cambridge’s answer:

“The Answer to your question is that the impedance is 75 ohms, a + & - would be a figure for tolerance and not impedance.”
