Does anybody read reviews?

I spend lots of time (and occasionally money) on AudiogoN. I very much enjoy the threads and have read or started lots of them. I even wrote a review last week, but for the most part I don't read them unless it's about a piece of equipment I own. Part of the problem is the credibility of the writer. There are several people whose reviews I would read but I don't know most of the writers. Obviously that doesn't make their review less valid.
The review I wrote had two responses and they were both from people who have the piece of equipment I was reviewing.
I don't know if it's laziness or time constraints but I don't read most of the reviews and I was wondering if anyone else has the same experience.
I was also wondering if AudiogoN is trying to build up a data base of reviews for people to eventually peruse when they are looking to buy something down the road.
What do you think?
I wish they would put the reviews and the systems in their own catagory list. I tend to inadvertantly ignore them when they are mixed in with the discussion threads

Or I think it is a question on a particular product by mistake.

I try to read most of them, and I've commented on a few. I agree that the quality of most of them is not real high. I also agree with Sugarbrie that they should have their own section. I don't know what use could be made of some of these reviews, but there are several which are good, and comprehensive, that could be of benefit to the members.
Definitely agree with the previous posts, but at the same time I'm grateful that AgoN is putting so much effort into this site and our beloved hobby. I think so far, the best reviews have been contained in the forum discussions.
I hate to be critical in this forum - but I read three reviews and now pointedly ignore them. Each review read like a very poor ripoff of a trade magazine review, and each one stated that the piece of equipment in question was definitively the best that each of the "reviewers" had ever heard. I have no interest in a review that includes only glowing commentary. Every piece of equipment available has limitations and trade offs - so include them in the review, or be prepared to be taken less than seriously. Too often, these reviews are just somebody's way of advertising that they have bought a new piece of equipment.

I hate to sound bitter, but I really wish that the 'Gon would create a format for reviews and keep them separate from the discussion threads.
The topic of the influx of reviews came up a couple of weeks ago. I suggested at that time that A'gon should place the reviews in a seperate category or, indeed an entirely seperate forum for reviews which could then be broken down by category (much like the classified section).

I'm pleased to see that so many of you are in agreement. Although this will not resolve the associated problems as noted above (i.e., advertising one's recent purchases; including only glowing comments; not providing system details, etc) it will most certinly provide a better sense of structure and will ease the navigation chore considerably.