Does anyone else miss the 80s-90s raving mood?
Currently this track made me ask this question.
Just sounds like a film soundtrack- nothing else.

To each his own. My Gen X and younger friends consider this "music".

Ecstasy and a Red Bull fortification definitely needed, along with the packed, room required to appreciate it. Also needs to "performed" by some guy who goes by the name of "DJ...." which the crowed responds to as if he actually possess talent with a musical instrument.
Nobles of the past would have said something analogous to what you said if they heard blues or jazz records.
Yes, nice in the open, summer nights under the pines, usually too much of... in the end. But atmosphere ruled.

friend and I DJ’d cricket hill in Chicago years ago.

  Police were cool as F all.
we played rave music mostly, with a few metal tunes, had a great reception!
   Had a blast.

 He is no longer with us, his name was Asit, loved dj’ing, music, having fun!

   I played sodom, coc, venom, etc.....

 Asit played autechre, and mostly 80’s - 90’s hip hop, and rave tunes at 200 BPM!

 I miss it


The atmosphere overwhelmed by music makes me feel like I'm looking at a stuffed memory in a museum of my life.


A DJ playing Sodom and Venom? Haha! How cool! If I have any chance, I truly want to see your DJing. If there is a little request from me, some power and black metal tunes need to be played.