Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables?

Does anyone know the differences between the Gen 1 and Gen 2 and 3 of the Sota Saphire tables? I found a very clean Gen 1 table I am going to use as a casual player. I have some extra arm boards and an extra arm I can put on it. Motor and bearing is in excellent shape. The platter feels like alumium, and I do not know if in these first tables they went to the lead or acrylic composite platters. The way the spindle looks I doubt this is the inverted bearing either. Anyone know the history of these early Sota tables?


Had a Star Sapphire in the late 80's, with the sapphire bearing and aluminum platter. Swapped out Sumiko arm for Eminent Technology straight-line tracker and that made a dramatic difference.  Light weight tonearm probably a good bet. l spoke with the designer, Alan Perkins, back then who then started Immedia where i had their TT and arm. Now he's been involved with the design of the MoFi TT's so that might be a source of sorts.  It's true the SOTA was very vibration resistant and the speed was steady. 

I don’t use these AI programs very often but I decided to try ChatGPT and Co-Pilot and see what I could find. They found references I did not in my searches. Co-Pilot says 1" thick 6061 aluminum plate laminated with Baltic Birch ply. Other AI and search engines say its made of aluminum with no reference to Baltic birch. I wonder if they are mixing up the sub chassis in this answer.


For motor Co-Pilot says

The SOTA Sapphire Gen 1 turntable uses a Papst motor.The motor typically requires an unregulated power supply with an output of 28 to 36VDC, 0.15A or greater. Chat GPT was less useful.


The first generation of the SOTA Sapphire turntable typically used a high-torque, low-speed AC motor.


The condition of this table is excellent. The suspension is level, does not have any sag and meets the specs for Sota set up parameters. The finish on the top plate is a perfect matte black, and the frame looks like it might have a polyurethane finish, which makes me think someone has done some level of restoration on this table.

Since the platter is aluminum, I am using a rubber and cork mat on it, with a Sota I-Clamp. I also put on a Cosmos acrylic arm board I have in place of the original MDF one. The arm and arm board allows the table to balance with only a minimal amount of shot needed in the arm board cup. The suspension needs 2.2 pounds at the tonearm spot to balance, so I doubt many arms from back in the day were out of spec for what a SOTA could accommodate.

I have a Cosmos Eclipse with vaccum here, so I know how a Sota should set up. This table is meant for casual use, and for a low mass version of the Audiomods Series Six arm so I can use my Ortofon MC2000 on it. I have one that is OEM minus a new diamond, and one with a boron cantilever that is my casual use cartridge. I paid a modest amount for this table, and I do not expect it to keep up with the Cosmos or my Scheu, but I will say its very respectable in most ways, and an enjoyable table to listen to.

I wonder if many of the faults/limitations about sound referenced in this thread come down to other aspects of analog. Whether it be tonearms, cartridges, phono stages, or perhaps even the arm board materials. As the first one was MDF, and then they made a thin aluminum one before moving onto acrylic/aluminum. Because I think this table sounds pretty respectable as it sits, and I can spend the night listening to it.

Are you the same individual who posted this question on AA a few days ago? I responded under the signature Low IQ. I am getting a bit more info from these replies to help fill in some missing links.

I don't know much of the history, but older Sapphires started out with a 3-point suspension. Late models (V and up?) use a 4-point suspension. 15 years ago, I briefly borrowed an older 3-point Sapphire (w/ the gold colored platter), along with the Koetsu-branded Jelco arm, and my very first Koetsu (Onyx non-platinum short body = samarium-cobalt).

The 3-point suspension seemed more "springy" and less stable than 4-points - thus it also seemed more sensitive to footstep disturbances / etc. Star (later called Nova) and Cosmos models always used 4 points. Cosmos is most stable of all (more than my Nova), probably due to the aluminum subchassis' extra mass. But any 4-point SOTA is really, really good. The 3 point tables are still very good, but this is an important distinction IMO. I assume the 4-point might also handle a little more arm mass - though my FR64fx's 2.2 lbs is near its limit (I was told 2.5 lbs max).

In theory, shouldn’t a 3-point suspension be more stable than a 4-point suspension, all other things being equal? I guess all other things are never equal.