Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?

I have found that certain combinations of speaker pairs produce a better sound than the single pair alone. For example: Klipsch Quartets and PSB Image 4T (new tweeters from Vifa) Quartets inside pair and volume matched to PSBs. I have done this over the years and found some great combinations.
Thanks for your post. Know what you mean about live shows. I volunteer at a Folk/Americana acoustic series. Vocals and acoustic instruments are always reinforced. Bagpipes were a recent exception! Soundman is in a rear corner, so he'll usually walk to center during soundcheck. After the initial tweaking, most of the soundcheck issues are getting the on-stage monitors right for the performers. But yes, most all shows, except classical, are augmented. 

I'm not such a purist that I won't consider EQ, and maybe moderate not over the top surround. Hence the interest in the Fosgate pre. And I do want a pre with tone controls. Or, I'll add the Schiit Loki.
Of course you can be Frank. "Consider for a moment any beauty in the name Ralph."

I too am looking for a preamp. Yes the Freya has got some good recommendations here and elsewhere. But, I really want tone controls, and the soundstage control and extra outputs on the F360 are interesting. There's just not a lot of info or reviews out yet. I can't even find the manual.

 I would take Schiit over anything out of China.
Check the UnderwoodHiFi Black Friday deals for the Black Ice. 
I wonder how many people think experimenting with speaker placement and volume matched multiple speakers is a bad idea have ever actually tried it? As I said previously been messing around for years and there are some truly great combos. (Yes I have SPL meters one pro and one old Radio Shack also can switch from my chair up to 7 pairs of speakers and any combination of pairs including running all seven pairs.) Have fun everyone, enjoy the music and gear in the new year!
It was many years ago that I happened to own 3 sets of speakers for my system. The main pair were JBL 4343. But then, I got talked into buying a small set of Maggies. Thirdly, a set of Klipsch Cornwalls were added. First off, the JBL and Maggies were very tricky to get right. When I did feel satisfied, that would all change in the next album or so. To try and match the Cornwalls to ANYTHING was a total waste of time.
 Headphones placed partially on the head with speakers running rarely works unless the speakers are facing each other like a giant set of headphones next to your head. I don't experiment as wildly as I did in my 20's or 30's, but don't belittle anyone wants to give experimentation a try. Overall, I have enjoyed the hell out of this hobby, straight or with a twist.