Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?

I say yes. Some say no. What are your thoughts?
Well there are a few people on this thread they know who they are. All they do is attack the high end. They don’t share what they have.  They don’t talk about what they have actually heard. They are just negative trolls.  Useless!  
They do this on multiple threads take a look for yourself. Honestly it’s America and it’s a right to respond but if you not going to share then just talk to yourself. People come to the threads to share experiences etc. why don’t y’all get a troll thread and just meet there. It’s the same 4 or 5 people. 
Not a big deal to share what you have but will run the mouth about how anyone who buys high end is a fool. Just get off the thread. Go that away!
I like the topic. In my case would fall into the yea probably group. And you bet I would love to hear more high quality systems. Would lead me toward possible improvements. 
Our talent at discerning what might improve our systems reducing trial and error, and lord knows the expense is pretty critical unless you have pretty unlimited budgets. I was around as stereo reproduction left the runway, say '67-'72. My circle of friends included numerous sound engineers with Capricorn who had some pretty outstanding systems. Tubes and horns-still a valid high end product. So yes it certainly helped. Have to have a reference to set the bar otherwise you are somewhat ignorant as to the possibilities.

@dentdog I agree. I have been around a lot of the old school guys. I’ve learned from the guys that have been in the hobby 35 plus  years. I’ve learned a lot about tubes and horns. I  demoed some older equipment earlier. I then moved up and then tried some other things. I eventually moved up by trying classe, bryston, esoteric, Audio research LSA statement, musical,fidelity then I heard veloce and wammo the transparency of this battery powered pre amp was amazing. It was like Audio butter but crazy expensive. There were a bunch of different great sounds in the things I tried but the technology in the veloce got me thinking.  I eventually settled on my kr Audio va 900 integrated because of the tubes and musicality. I learned because I heard these and many others it allowed me to grow in the hobby. Then I met Dave Baskin. I heard devaliet, accuphase, Lumin and soulution. That allowed me to expand my knowledge of sound in terms of pre amps and power Amps. I heard about 7 to 10 more brands in between those. I heard rogue, Mark Levinson, McIntosh, Cary, and marantz. This has allowed me to,have a better informed opinion and more exposure to all ranges of gear. Speaker wise I have heard Sonus faber, revel, b&w, Vienna acoustics, definitive technology, Gato, magico, dynaudio, raidho, magnepan, voxativ, focal, yg, vivid, Joseph Audio,and Dali. There was also a speaker with a big blue horn that I can’t remember the name of but all this gave me a better idea of the great different sounds of Audio. Because of these experiences I feel like I have a better ear.  The more you hear the better to me!