Does impedance of a speaker change when one bi-amps?

I'm fairly new to the audiophile arena and i have seen this question asked before, but not answered.
IMO, parametric equalizer pair with active crossover can make a huge improvement!

Hi, Ive been reading your blog. Do you really feel this way about stereophile.  Hearing aids? Trick? What is the "stereophile curve

  For a long time I've had trouble matching up Stereophile reviews with my experience of the same speakers. I think I've found the reason why. They aren't reviewing speakers at all. They are reviewing hearing aids pretending to be speakers. This is why they are so expensive. What I mean is that the speakers Stereophile praises would only sound good to some one with hearing loss between 7kHz and 15 kHz, which I lack. It's clear that completely different manufacturers have taken advantage of this "trick."

I'm calling this trick the "Stereophile Curve" and the more I go back in time to look at megabucks speakers rated highly, the more apparent the truth of this curve becomes. Of course, the alternate, benign explanation is that the reviewers have all bought the B&W studio heritage hype, and they have become accustomed to thinking of the B&W 800 series speakers as a neutral reference, which, objectively, they can't be.

IMO, parametric equalizer pair with active crossover can make a huge improvement!

I like the crossover of course. Many audiophiles will shy away from the EQ.  I see no need in adding anything digital either.

One can easily select a crossover point simply from the response curves now available for all drivers. I still go to Madisound first. They appear to have everything with good documentation. 

If people want to start discussing how to select drivers I'm up for it. We might even have a serious conversation and get something done.

HiFi was once and experimenter's hobby. I hope to bring some of that back. 

The most interesting loudspeaker product I am aware of is Roger’s new Music Reference ESL loudspeaker/dedicated direct-drive OTL amplifier combination (a great idea, though audiophiles don’t like to have their amp dictated to them ;-). ESL transparency, speed, lack of coloration (unsurpassed vocal and instrumental timbre, texture, etc.), and all the other ESL attributes (okay, I love ESL’s!), and no input (step up) transformer. And driven by a dedicated, direct-drive OTL amp (no output transformer, the tubes connected right to the ESL panels). What could be more pure?! A powered sub is included, and since not a single other power amp or other electronic component is required or necessary, you just feed the system the signal of your choice. The combined price is less than that of the multi-driver/complex-crossover monstrosities reviewed in Stereophile every month. I’m saving up for my pair ;-) .

There are companies making powered monitor loudspeakers for the pro sector (Westlake Audio, for one), but if you have heard any of them you know they aren’t exactly audiophile products, made for listening to music in the home. Sensitive and dynamic yes, but too colored, shouty, and coarse for me.

WOW, you guys complicated that conversation.

My Integrated amp rated at 250/8-425/4 shut down driving my power hungry speakers that have 2 pair of binding posts on back they’re 4 way 6 ohm rated and manufacturer recommends 500 watts. My question for the experts assuming I can get the amps output levels matched is, Would my integrated be less likely to overheat at the same spl if I added a 2nd amp, removing the strap to horizontally bi amp the speakers? also if I got output levels matched would amps of identical power be necessary or could I wire a pair of 350 mono's to the bass of each speaker and use the int to drive the top end?