Does JBL get a bad rap?

For years, all one heard regarding almost any JBL product, especially vintage consumer grade products was that they were all boom(bass) and sizzle( highs). I feel this is an unfair generalization. Surprisingly, I find much of their budget minded gear(80s-90s) actually soft in the treble and very non-fatiguing(titanium laminate tweeters). I also have experienced the L100T and found them fairly well balanced and nuetral. The midrange does lack some realism magic especially on vocals but so do other highly touted speakers. In short, I am a little late to the game in regards to the JBL, but as a mainstream maker I am impressed. And that doesn't even take into account their 4xxx studio monitors which are highly regarded. Back me up jbl fans!
Audiolabarynth, here is a link to the 4365, which seems to be the bigger brother to the 4429:
Again, seemingly available everywhere except here in the U.S.

All the best,
It will be here in the US soon...

The S4700s that I use have pleated surrounds on the woofers. Also, on a side note these same woofers are used in the top of the line M2 studio monitors.
Thankyou Nonoise for the link, I am shocked to see that JBL is making what all of you call pleated surrounds, in the pro audio world when I was making money as a musician, this is called a folded woofer, I am also supprised to see Kiddman have the same opinion as I do, believing that a folded woofer has the best bass, also, Dave_72, I did not know that your s4700s has the folded woofers, Kiddman, I do not understand why the Everest DD-67000 does not have this folded woofer design, what is your opinion as to why not?, is it something to do with power handling?
Audiolabyrinth, the 67000 does have a pleated surround! The 66000 did not, but the 67000 does.

Measurements I have seen show lower distortion at low frequencies for the pleated surround version of two identical woofers, one with pleated and one with rolled. It is only at higher frequencies, where folks want to run a woofer way up, that rolled surrounds were better, at a cost of higher distortion in the lows. But then rolled surrounds took over, they seemed to be looked at as the "modern, latest cool thing", even though in some models with low crossovers pleated still should have been used. If you are crossing over at 1khz or below pleated is open to you, assuming a good design. Note that on the Westminster model by Tannoy also went to pleated surrounds years back, after using rolled surrounds on that model.
wow!, Thankyou Kiddman, I did not know that the 67000 has folded woofers-pleated, as a matter of fact, I could hear less distortion with deep bass the last time I owned a woofer design such as this, that is why I said that I liked the design better, that is really great news that the pleated woofers are making a comeback, better believe that I am getting the folded-pleated woofers in my next JBL speakers, Kiddman, do you think JBL would sell the pleated woofers to go into the 66000 speakers?, you know, replace the one's that are in the 66000 speakers, would it work kiddman? cheers.