Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by cakyol

What did you expect, of course power cords do NOT make a difference to the sound, unless you change all the wires from the actual generating plant to your system. Even then, you will hardly hear the difference, unless you are a super being, very likely from another planet, and a walking wheatstone bridge who can tell the difference between 0.001 ohm and 0.0011 ohms.
It needs at least about a month of cooking on the barbecue at low heat.  Another 10db of bonus if you also soak it in King's original hawaiian pineapple bbq sauce during that time :-)