It just seems so "Odd".
Odd that, "certain people", wish those of us whom have found that using a different power cable may change, "For the better" the music we hold so dear.
As if they are going to somehow, "Save us from ourselves".
And they believe- They are doing a good deed. To, "Save us",- Some of our money, some of our time.
And apparently,
They are VERY worried about us.
Worried about us, "Looking Silly".
But To whom?
They remind me of "teenagers". Which at certain stages are always embarrassed by their parents. Embarrassed by absolutely everything a parent "does", "say's", or even, "thinks".
Because in a nutshell? We do not, "Look Cool".
"To them".
But I "Feel cool"....
So in order to show us all the error's we are making. So that we may learn to mend our way's? And see things, "Their way"?
They are armed with more tools than we could possibly ever even think to counter.
And OH!, their "Mastery", of these tools!
And the tools are?
"Well typically"......
Basic, "Math, Physics and Ohm's Law".
And, "Oop's" I forgot! About, (Common sense). There is usually one to throw that in as well.
So, a voltage drop calculation and maybe a quote from the, "NEC" and then a smart remark, "As pop used to say".
And as teenager's always do, they then share those secret, "knowing looks",
Because they are just so sure that "We", have never really been around the block as they have been.
OR, we have just gotten too old and forgotten, "Everything", "POOF"~!
Sound familiar?
My rig sounds amazing, "Both".
And, I look cool too.
(I hope this works).