Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
" @mahlman: Are you talking about acrylic tube cable risers ? or what ? "
  Use the tubes as conduit. Any electrically neutral support will work like nice designer hardwood supports for instance will look good and work well in this situation.

@nonoise   How do you troll a fictional topic? Why with fiction of course.
My conclusion is prof exists in another dimension that comprises of all that is the total of the cybersphere.  His postings encompass all postings.  One poster is only one part of his existence (or dimension).  
Thanks Nonoise
They actually look pretty darn neat and I can see wife approval factor beaming out of them already.
I have been threatened with a trip to Ikea over the holidays so might pick a few up while there, might make the trip palatable...…..
prof speaks so damn authoritatively. It’s like, hey, this is how things are. He almost had me going for a second.
@nonoise Glad you liked the tealight holders and that they are effective.  Hadn't thought of flipping them over but can see how that might be better for digging into the carpet. Funny thing is my wife is betting they won't make any difference so she went and bought a bunch of votive candles to put in them if i surrender. 😀Win either way !  I haven't gotten around to it yet with all the Christmas craziness (translation--i haven't done my Christmas shopping yet !) Just went to the mall and immediately left--too nuts!  Gotta get there early tomorrow i guess--the price of procrastination is i have to shop on my birthday...