Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
I spent an hour on a simple study. Googled RMAF and a few others to look at pictures of the rooms with equipment I will never be able to afford. Many had visible risers to get the cables off the hotel floor or had taken steps to eliminate ground contact.  I have learned that the most important thing besides actually practicing critical listening, is keeping an open mind. The third best thing is to ignore those who post multiple times in one thread to prove they are correct.  A ten dollar investment in what will surely not "hurt" anything is a fine idea.  Not taking yourself too seriously and being able to laugh is also a fine idea.  
Of course the Synergistic cable risers will work. Duh. Because 1: Synergistic and 2: ECT/HFT. Could probably just stick some ECT right on the cables. Why not? ECT works on everything else. After trying them on all kinds of things from my tone arm and motor to my laptop the surprise would be if they don't. According to SR website they tuned this particular HFT to this particular use. Which would be no surprise except for they call this red one HFT which is odd if you know ECT are all red and look exactly like this, while HFT are all gray or silver or black and none so far are red. PHT are black, blue, green and purple. Aside from color and size these are all the same thing, only they definitely are tuned, I can see this clearly under x-ray. Yeah, I have x-rayed them. That's the way I roll. Deal with it!


Have you ever tried anything from Geoff's Machina Dynamics website?

Interesting question. Makes me curious to know which of those fine products you think I might actually find worth a try? Seriously. Which one?