Just realized I never answered the OP question. No, I do not think there is correlation between ticket prices and streaming. It is a what the market will bear. Gone to an NFL game lately? No streaming pressures there. I remember going back in the day and the cost and the cost now. It has gone up signficantly due to demand.
One example I can think of is a few years ago I paid $800 for two tickets to Madonna. A week letter I went to see Aimee Mann at an intimitate show in a great sounding venue for $80 for two tickets. I am thinking as I’m at the show why is the musician who as singer songwriter has 10x more talent and yet this other talented artists costs 10X more? Again, what people will pay. Do have to give it up to Madonna as it was an experience more than just a concert such as drummers suspended from wires, huge lighting effects and on and on. But as an audiophile it was no contest that the Aimee Mann show was superior.