Not exactly on point, but close
For those of you who want to have the greatest clarity from your speakers and have decided to put 1st point reflection killers on the outer sides of your speakers already, try putting an identical pair on the inside of your speakers. This will effectively give you as sharp/clear signal as you will ever get. If you want that kind of signal - If you have no wife - If your not anal about the physical appearance.
Many years ago I had a product called Echo Muffs which was, in essence a 5' high U shaped heavy latex pad wrapped around and close the sides and rear of the speaker and projecting forward about 6 inches in front of the speaker. Boy, did it work! Sort of like a poor man's LE/DE room.
Then I got married! :-)
For those of you who want to have the greatest clarity from your speakers and have decided to put 1st point reflection killers on the outer sides of your speakers already, try putting an identical pair on the inside of your speakers. This will effectively give you as sharp/clear signal as you will ever get. If you want that kind of signal - If you have no wife - If your not anal about the physical appearance.
Many years ago I had a product called Echo Muffs which was, in essence a 5' high U shaped heavy latex pad wrapped around and close the sides and rear of the speaker and projecting forward about 6 inches in front of the speaker. Boy, did it work! Sort of like a poor man's LE/DE room.
Then I got married! :-)