Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?

Has anyone else noticed that the higher you go in sonic quality the more it cost to get an incremental increase in sonic quality. For example if you buy a 300 stereo from Walmart it sounds ok then you go a spend 3000 on one and the jump in sound quality is huge. Now to get the same percentage jump in sound quality you need to spend 9000 then 30000. So I am at the 30k+ threshold what do you have to spend to get the same incremental jump. This is more of a rhetorical question has anyone else experienced this.   


There is no great sound to be found for under $100k or so, speaking new suggested prices. So unless you can and want to do that just enjoy your system as it is. And I am talking one source system. However, if you must keep upgrading as most of us, including myself, double the cost, assuming that what you buy is not overpriced.

There is a small minority of audiophiles that have stated once past a certain point the sonic benefits of expenditures accelerates at an increasing rate of return.  I think that's ridiculous, but anybody can have an opinion.

I have grown my system from a $350 affair in 1972 to it’s current state of around $150K. I have methodically and incrementally invested over the entire time. I have spent thousands of hours learning, experimenting with cables, cords, and components. I have spent thousands of hours traveling all over the world with every portable musical device / combination you can imagine.

Large investments components has brought me larger and greater jumps in sound quality along the way. The very largest differences were the most recent and the largest investment.

If, let’s say you measure the frequency response or something… sure diminishing returns.

But it is about the music…. and the ears / brain can be an astonishingly sensitive instrument. “Great sound quality”… is about peeling back layer after layer of what that means… an enormous onion… layer after layer of nuance to bring pleasure to the listener.

Of course, it is a matter of values. I really value high quality sound… that is musical, nuanced, incredibly accurate… like brass sounds like brass… not trebly distortion like most of us though cymbals sounded like when we were young. So, for me the gains have increased with investment.


Audiophilia is all about the real love of musical reproduction. Most people think we are crazy… why walk down this diminishing return return curve. But those of us that fell in love with really great musical reproduction as youth see the reward as accelerating return. That has absolutely been my experience. I am absolutely ecstatic with my current systems (see my UserID).

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