Does Your Computer Sound Like a Jet Engine?????

Hey everybody. This thread is to inform everybody of a discovery I have made. I can now live in peace because my computer no longer sounds like a Jet Engine :) I changed my computer power supply and CPU fan with parts from I can't hear my computer anymore... Since my computer is in the same room as my stereo system I can now leave it on and listen to music too :)
PS I have no affiliation with

Showing 3 responses by aroc

Why, yes, my home PC does sound like a jet engine. :-) 4x80mm Panaflos (filtered) on the intake and across the SCSI hard disk bays. Enermax PSU with whisper fans. One Thermal Millennium Glaciator HSF (1.5 copper) (not too loud) for the CPU. Combined with a Seagate Cheetah X15-36LP 15,000rpm Ultra160 SCSI and IBM Ultrastar 36LZX 10,000rpm, things are pretty noisy. The unit is a 19" aluminum 4U server case. I also have a Yamaha 16/10/40 SCSI CDRW, which is loud too (compared to plextor). And the Aluminum case does little to dampen ANY noise.

I haven't measured it but I'm probably pushing 42dBSPL outside of the case (though that estimate may be too high). Though my current system is still quieter than my system from four years ago. I had like 4x2GB Barracuda SCSI (7200rpm) drives, and added a 4.3GB Seagate Cheetah 4LP. You thought the 4 'cudas were loud? That first cheetah could be heard CLEAR ACROSS THE ROOM. Let's imagine a robot walking on rocks, shall we?? ;-) And 4 cudas AT IDLE will yield a sound that makes a _dentist's drill_ seem PLEASANT. I am not joking, ask anyone who ran those puppies.

I am so glad many of today's drive yield ample performance with so little accompaning noise.

BTW, I'm running a ACS33 Altec Lansing speaker system (cubes+sub) on that PC. considering how noisy it is, any more fidelity might be a waste. Those speakers were $20+tax at the local Sams Club. Not bad for the money. On some tracks the subwoofer module actually sounds better IN THE DESK DRAWER. No kidding. Although sometimes the boomiess will become unbearible.
Answer for Driver... 41C-47C under varying load and ambient temps.

I have a AYHJA AMD Thunderbird 1333/266 with Arctic Silver II thermal paste and thermal millennium "Glaciator I" HSF on an EPoX EP-8K7A (non-RAID) motherboard. I don't know how accurate the board's sensor is (I'm not running a callibrated 3rd party sensor). BTW, I'm running at 166x9.5= 1577MHz @ 2.85v. PC is in the basement, and I keep it "cool" (~68-70*F) year round.

I thought about running a SK-6 heat sink with 7krpm delta fan, but went with the glaciator since I thought it was "more awesome looking" than the SK-6. Considering the noise doesn't bother me, I should probably get fan that moves more SCFM than the glaciator's built-in fan.
I was a hard core Linux user, but since administering Windows NT and 2000 Server pays the bills, I run the OSes as much as I can.

My main home rig (Athlon w/ cheetah) is running Windows 2000 Professional with Office 2000 SBE. Currently Windows 2000 is my OS of choice. (Been running NT-based OSes on the desktop since 3.51)

I have several other frankenstein lab machines, most which multiboot NT 4 ws/srv, 2000 pro/srv, and XP pro. Those are my "lab" PCs that I use for self-paced training in my basement. I own NT4 server, but the 2000 Server is the 120 day eval copy. Which isn't a problem since I use to to run Citrix MetaFrame, which has to be reinstalled every 35 days, anyway. FWIW, other than that, I'm legit.

I'd like to get a copy of Office XP mess around with. I hear nothing but Good Things(tm) about it!