Does your system do things better in the dark?

I decided to sleep in the listening room and thought it was a good idea to fall asleep to music. My ex-friends tell me opera puts them to sleep so I thought why not try that.
I couldn't believe how good my system sounds in the dark at low volumes! Was I dreaming?
Anyone have the same experience?
Sad to say my girlfriend fell asleep on me, next time it'll be Madonna or Meatloaf.
yeah, I discovered that some years ago. It enhances your hearing and make the soundstage more real. : )
Don't forget the old adage, "the freaks come out at night", so does you system.
My system is very shy when it comes to performing in the light! I always thought I was missing out on the full experience. One evening during a listening session I was on my way out of my room to take a little break....turned out the lights and instantaneously my system grabbed me and pulled me back into my listening sofa. My system totally opened up and was willing and able to perform what ever I wanted. From goose bump mids and highs to ass grabbing lows....I was getting the full treatment. Highly recommended but addictive.
I believe it's 3 things:

Less noise on the grid.
Less sensory input.

What I mean by attitude is demonstrated when I tell a visitng non-believer (non-audiophile) that they will appreciate the music more if they just relax & listen, in the dark.
If they can't even stop talking for at least a minute,
I believe they aren't even trying to relax & just listen.
If they can't seem to relax, I'll ask them to close their eyes, even in a dark room. If they debate this request,
I won't waste any more of my time trying to prove the point.