Dr. Feickert Blackbird

I want to get some opinions. I am currently saving for my end-all analog source. I have been lusting after the Blackbird for a year now. I keep trying to talk myself out of it, but keep coming back. Love the classic turntable look, the reviews, and especially 2 arms. If I am only going to have one table, I want 2 arms. I still have time, as I'm not half way to my $$ goal for a the table and first arm.

Is there better or equal performer for at or under that price without losing that classic turntable look? 


@karl_desch , that is what people say, "I like what I hear," when in reality, "I like what I see," is more appropriate. It could also be that people like antique things or the price. The criteria you mentioned I hold to are aimed at reducing distortion, sound that was not in the recording. It is a hopeless thing to do with turntables but that is the neurosis. Thus it might also be what distortion people like most.

The turntable is a vibration measurement machine, any vibration. The world is polluted with noise, vibration. Hearing what is on the record means isolating the whole affair from other vibrations, ones that are not supposed to be there. This along with lack of noise/rumble and stable pitch tell you 90% of everything you need to know about turntable performance.

Another problem I see in forums which leads to dissimilar opinions is that we all listen differently. We tend to pay attention to our pet aspects of performance and like everything else with humans there is a wide range of hearing ability. 

As people are readily aware, flowery descriptive terms of turntable performance do not cut it with me. Save it for the wine. What are you actually hearing and what is your reference? As compared to what? It is unfortunate but, what one person thinks they hear is anecdotal and means not much of anything. I include myself in the one person category and frequently ruminate over whether or not what I think I hear is real. If you have 3 or 4 people hearing a similar characteristic as a group in an isolated situation you are beginning to make me a believer. If they can all identify the subject blinded you have hit the Lotto.

@edgyhassle   If you wish to PM me you are welcome to do so.

I can't disagree with anything stated above.  It's our individuality that contributes to this hobby (if one wants to call it that).  I rather enjoy having fun with the products and, most of all, I enjoy the music and the pleasure it brings.

That said, I am glad to say that I purchased a Dr. Feickert Blackbird with a Kuzma 4-Point 11 and a Soundsmith Sussurro Mk II ES, about 3 months ago.  I have had several turntables over the years and am very pleased with these products and can highly recommend them.  And of course, everyone else's mileage may vary.  

Interesting story @edgyhassle.  I think that is very similar to my friend who inherited the Marantz gear when his father passed away. No way would he get rid of those pieces as they have meaning for him.  He often says that he cant believe how the performance of these 60 year old amps continue to be pushed forward by tweaks and upstream changes.  Just like your Klipsh. Keep pushing them!

@mijostyn I think we are mostly on the same page and what I didnt say before is that having a strong opinion is also just fine with me.  Makes the forums interesting.  Also, I do think its important to listen with other people who understand what you are trying to achieve in your system, Or at least can describe if they hear what you hear.  It's all very complicated.  When a good dealer can do this, it is amazing.

"The turntable is a vibration measurement machine, any vibration. The world is polluted with noise, vibration. Hearing what is on the record means isolating the whole affair from other vibrations, ones that are not supposed to be there."

EXACTLY why you want a TRUE MONO cartridge that will not generate noise from vertical movement of any kind. Far more than you realize.

You cannot imagine the difference until you hear it for yourself. I am ever grateful I learned here and decided to try it.