Driver Tubes 6922

I've heard a few people opining that the driver tube can be the most important tube.

Why is this?

What do you look for in a 6922?

What differences might I expect to hear replacing my modern GL e88cc with an expensive NOS 6922?

Any recommendations for a 6922  based on actual experience?






Post removed 

The nos tubes have proven to be too unstable for me. Everything will be sublime for an hour then this one will snow or this one will microphonic or this one will high tone ring. Im tired of chasing which one is doing what. Very disappointing. If I knew I could get a couple nos AX7's and a couple nos AT7's  that I could depend on, I would do it, but at this point I just put the GL's in and Im going to not worry about it anymore.


It could be worse.



Darn shame…I have not had issues like yours in several years of tube rolling. Only two noisy ones and a few  that just sounded dull.  I guess I am The Lucky One. 


Well, I've always had a problem quitting and over reacting. :-)

They are back in and Im going to get to the bottom of each and every one scientifically, what it does and when, all before Brent gets back from vacation so I can give him my findings. I'm sure he will be perfectly cool about whatever issues there are.


I always have bad luck though. I had to return my Direct stream jr. because for some reason it wouldn't get along with my pre. That said, everything has been trouble free since then and the H4's have been perfect.

I received a pair of RCA 5960’s NOS from Tubestore Canada as a substitute for 12AT7’s.

Very Very nice.

If you use 12At7’s and NOS, I strongly Suggest you get some of these...NOW.

Anyway just thought I’d put it out there.