@millercarbon , Correct MC, when the gauge is stressed it changes resistance which modulates the supplied voltage which is subtracted afterwards leaving only the signal. Messing with the power supply might not be a good thing. If the voltage subtracted is not exactly equal to the voltage added you will get a dc offset. If your amps go down to DC you could have fried woofer for dinner. If run through a preamp this might filter the DC out.
I do not think it is weak bass but rather exaggerated highs supposedly a hangover from the RIAA curve. Several reviews have noticed this. I can correct for it so it is no worry for me. Weak bass I won't tolerate. If I can't feel the bass drum beat that would kill it for me.
@rauliruegas , you did not make a suggestion for a phono stage or comment on the Lino C. I'll be taking 5 records I know very well down with me. I should be able to pick up any major problem depending on the system Mr Ledermann is using. I won't spend that kind of money if I am not completely comfortable with it. I am also very captivated by the transimpedance approach to amplifying a moving coil cartridge. The only problem is that it limits you to very low impedance cartridges. I have no problem with this as there are many excellent low impedance cartridges. I read uniformly good things about the MySonicLab cartridges then there is Lyra and Ortofon. The new Verismo looks very interesting. The My Sonic Ultra Eminant Ex with an impedance of 0.6 ohms is perfect for a transimpedance stage.