Dvorak Symphony No. 2 Classic records excellent

I am listening to Classic Records reissue of Dvorak 2nd symphony Monteux/ London Symphony Orch. It is excellent. It is the 200 grams issue and it is very quiet and dynamic. The best one I have heard so far! Classic is getting better. Highly recommended!! I am excited! This is the best lp I have heard in a while from Classic. This one and the Carmen/Faust. If they keep doing this, I will be very happy and so will many other analog lovers. Has anyone else heard this one and if so, how is the quality of yours? Any quality control stuff, bad pressings? Mine is excellent! The quietest and best sounding reissue! As I said, I am excited for anyone who loves vinyl if this is a preview of things to come.
I raised the VTA and it did make a difference.

When I say heavy, squashed sounding I guess, no air around the instruments. I wonder what the cutting angle is on the Speakers corners reissues.

When I raised the VTA, it sounded much better, but now my other records do not sound right to me.

These do sound better than the Clemencic Consort reissue. That was dreadful.

The original mercs had lots of air, at least the one that I have that is in good condition. Bartok Suite. That is a great recording. Sounds very similar to a live. orchestra.
sorry to laugh, but what's the cutting angle have to do with it, and would you even know it if you were told?
as I said, you have something wrong, and possibly your friends as well...it is a great recording, and pressing, and I've heard it on many systems that were properly setup.
I think it's such a shame that when one reads things like this, you can't just buzz over and listen and help someone out. I guess it shows the limits of forums.
I will say you are at least playing great music. Yes, the Bartok suite is great as well.
If the change to VTA has made the Speakers Corner reissue sound good - and at the same time made the Classic RCAs sound bad, I'd say that you are now hearing things correctly.

(I'm somewhat joking)

There is no evidence here that the Speakers Corner LPs have any special VTA requirements. And the reissue of The Birds has lots of air.

How old is your Glider? Is it the original version? What arm is it mounted in? And what turntable?
Tzh21y - what do you have the load set to in your Xono?

If you don't hear air on that SC Merc - and you don't find the Classic Bartok to be bright - it could be that you have too much load on your cartridge.
I am breaking in new innerconnects. Things are starting to open up now. Maybe that has something to do with it. My friend said they take at least 50 hours to break in. I only have about a quarter of that on them

I have the Original Bartok 2nd Suite on Merc Living Presense SR90098 That sounds amazing.

The Daphne and Chloe is excellent on the reissue