Dynaudio Evidence Temptation?

I am looking to build my audio system around the Dynaudio Evidence Temptation. I would like to hear from those (dealers, owner's, etc) that have heard these speakers with
a variety of gear. I am going to use the DEQX 2.6p as a preamp and looking for recommendations for CD or Universal player, power amp and cable. cost around $15,000.
Do you think that Music Reference RM200 poweramp can match the Temptations and the DEQX 2.6?
Dynaudio Rule #1: No tubes!!!!

Your instincts on how to build a system around these speakers is all wrong...so if you feel compelled to go one way do just the opposite and you'll be fine.

I'm not sure you're going to get what you want out of that DEQX. What you should do with this speaker is look carefully at the TACt and the DEQX units to see which one sdoes what you need. I would buy these after you have the speakers installed for sometime. The Temptations if memory serves me correctly should not even be biwired. I'll assume you have measurement equipment to setup these eq's properly. Using an "Auto" features would be unwise with this speaker.

I would look into Spectron or Tact amplifiers to keep the signal digital to the last instant, this will also make your universal player choice less difficult since you wont have to worry about its DtoA characteristics.

Also having 500 watts is a very good thing with the Temptations.

The best system I have ever heard on the Temptations was the ML No.32 with Warner Imaging ER300 Monos. (both Co. MIA now) Outstanding in every way, no flaws.

Bryston 14B SST Vs. Audio Research 300.2 Vs. Bel Canto Evo4 Vs. Jeff Rowland 501/201?

Hi Mr Edwards:
What stereo system do you have and what is your real world and dream system choices-from analogue /digital front end to speakers and cabling inbetween?
I have heard the Temptations at my dealer's on a lot of occasions for several years. Amps used include the Accuphase 50 watt class A stereo amp, the Boulder 1000 series monos, Lamm ML1.1s and the Siltech amps, the latter two tubed designs. If you have a big room and play them loud, a strong solid state or big tube amp will be needed. You may lose some bass control with the tubes, so if that matters a lot you should steer towards solid state. I will state, as a tube man who owns Lamms, that my pick of all the amps on them was the Siltechs, followed by the Lamms, both of which drove them to fine volume levels and sounded superb. You should probably check with your amp manufacturer, but my guess is that the Music Reference should have enough to drive your speakers and make great music, you just may lack the last bit of control in the bass but the bass you get should still sound very natural and full.