Dynaudio vs. Focal - Bookshelfs - Help me Decide!

Hi - first post here and trying to decide between the twice as expensive Dynaudio Special 40 and the Focal 906 bookshelf speakers. I've heard both (in different systems, different dealers) but since a month went by in between visits, I cannot say for sure that the Dyn S40s sounded twice as good and warrant paying $3,000 vs. $1,500 price tag.  These are my top 2 contenders. 

Anyone else compare these 2?  My room is 12 wide by 20 long, using 250 wpc hafler modded DH500 and Vincent tube preamp. I do have a PSB sub I can use as well. 

If I do spend $3,000 range, then perhaps the choice is between the Floorstander Focal 926 vs. the Dyn S40 bookshelf. I'd appreciate any advice, anyone who has owned these, or compared these at the same dealer side by side. Thanks very much !!
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heard the special 40s extensively and they sound metallic and edgy, vs the contour 20 which sound smooth as silk.  shame you have to spend $5K for them.  
focals do absolutely nothing for me.  none of them, but this is my developed preference in sound.  no offense meant to anyone.  my advice is to get the best deal on a harbeth or spendor speaker that you can find.  the C7ES sound better than the dyn contour 20.  happy hunting....
There is nothing at all about the special 40s that sound metallic, edgy, harsh, etc. they are the definition of smooth, big, bold, with slight warmth, tremendous bass, sweet high end and have amazing imaging and soundstage width and depth. These are the best speakers I’ve had in my room under $10k. I’ve had a lot. The 40s need the right amp. Not watts but current. I’m running them in my 12x13 room with a 20 watt tube amp, a 40 watt tube amp and a 200wpc solid state. By far, these open up and give the most magic with a 20wpc raven nighthawk v3 amp. I couldn’t want for better or more. These speakers are jaw dropping good. With the wrong amp they can sound thin, and a tad hard. That’s the amp, not the speakers. They beg for tubes... 
@stevehuff  I’m running a tubed preamp into solid state AB amp and the Special 40’s are at the top of my list (others include Canton Ref 9.2 Vento’s and Holt Hill Cionnsaile Monitors).

I currently have Focal 807v’s which I really like but not an endgame speaker for me. Mostly does to wanting more bass and midbass to fill the sound out.

Im hoping to hear the 40’s in the next few months.
The Focal 906 really does punch several times over its weight class. Not sure it woukd be as good as the Special 40 but I would assume woukd be more amp friendly. I had the Contour 20 and it was a pig to drive although sounded really nice.