I agree with Lew 's post from 06-30-20018 stating that ''exotic''
parts do not guarantee ''Nirvana''. But I will try to first make
our ''implicit'' conceptual presuppositions clear and than elaborate.
The first is the simple sentence form ''S is P''. The basic form
to ascribe properties to objects. The other is ''parts and wholes''
pre- conceptions. I think that we all can agree that without
comparison between cartridges we can't make any judgments.
However comparisons are relational in logical sense while
''S is P'' sentence form is not suitable for relational descriptions.
Say ''brother'' is not some kind of property of an person but a
relation to some other person.
We can see that ''our'' chakster try to explain differences between
carts by their ''parts''. Say in the sense of Lew's ''exotic parts''.
He is very fond of ''diamond cantilevers'' which should be ''as
short as possible'' (grin) This is not my reproach but he admitted
to have an ''border line'' regarding cart prices. I don't believe
that prices have necessary relation to sound quality but what
we call ''the top kind '' are usually pretty expensive .Anyway
chakster limited himself in the sense of ''extension of his
comparisons''. This limitation is , say, ''financial'' which is in my
case ,say, of less importance. So I was able to buy Allaerts
MC2 which provide pretty strong arguments against ''exotic
parts'' reasoning. There is nothing special by this cart in the
sense of ''parts''. The cart is conventional even old fashioned.
But look at its technical specs and you will not believe your
own eye. There is no other cart that can come close.