Dynavector DV20X2H or DV20X2L

With my Rega RP6 and my Clearaudio "Basic+" Phono preamp, which one would give a better result and less problems.  Dynavector Low Out Put MC or, Dynavector High Out MC. Would I need a 6000$ phono preamp for a Low Out MC Cartridge ? Or it would be better a Dynavector MC High Out Put, with Clearaudio "Basic+" Phono preamp ?
^ certainly is. And with a cleaning regimen, it will last you a very long time. Really enjoy mine! 
I’ve had mine three years and play a lot of vinyl. Clean records and some mofi lp9 stylus cleaner. you should get much better than 1300 hours is my guess. 

jmolsberg   I use to clean with Nagaoka stylus cleaner every 5 LPs, but brush every side with only the brush.  Do you put the stylus cleaner onto the stylys directly, or on the stylus brush ?

jmolsberg By the way, DV20x2L offer a realy special new dimension listening to music !