Four boys in my family and you could usually hear E.L.O. coming from one of the bedrooms on any given day in the 70's. Them and Genesis. Out of the Blue is their last great album and its a great one imo. Standing in the Rain and Sweet is the Night are awesome tunes (and I do mean awesome in a big way) as well as Wild West Hero. There's a lot of good tracks on that album, actually most of them. I remember when discovery came out and my brother gave it to me for my Birthday. I never liked it and decided Out of the Blue was where I could safely draw the line. Great band and brings back great memories. I even saw them live and it was a great show. Thanks for the post.
E.L.O. - Electric Light Orchestra
So, I'm going through my third, or maybe fourth, ELO music evolution and need your suggestions. I started listening to this group when I was in High School during the 1970s. Currently, I own a couple of their albums. I had several more but I shared them with friends over time and never saw them again. Anyway, what are your recommendations for ELO albums to compliment "On the Third Day" and "Eldorado". Also, anyone who can tell me the name of the instrumental song that is their masterpiece would be appreciated. I remember listening to it at midnight on a local radio station in Virgina. It started off with a crack of thunder and then went into this incredible orchestrated masterpiece that still resonates in my mind to this day. The song was used to announce the beginning of a new day and it was glorious! I haven't been able to find it. Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions.