EAD 7000 digital flywheel?

I have an EAD 7000 but no manual. Does anyone know diffinitively if this dac has the "digital flywheel"? Or where I can read more about its specification? I've done a moderate search, but find surprizingly little about it. This is not a mk2 or 3. Thanks
If is is not an MKIII then it does not have the Digital flywheel.That was added only to the MKIII versions of all their dacs.
Thanks for the info! Any thoughts of where I might find a pdf or manual? I've used an original Theatermaster in the past, and remembered, incorrectly that the dacs in it were "the same as the 7000". Been out of two channel for a while and when I restarted a couple of weeks ago, the front end was and is a Sony 200 disc changer. The 7000 throught the toslink out makes it sound considerably better. Believe it or not, the system is Belle Klipsch, 2a3 monos, and a PAC ref ll pre (and a soon to be setup, VPI mklv) so its pretty revealing. Still the bad rap EAD is enjoyable. I get a lot of error readings on a few cds. Can't hear 'em. My real lust is for the EAD 9000 when one surfaces cheap.
Try contacting Boelen Electronics(the original maker of EAD )and while you are at it have modofied with Black gates and soft recovery diodes and you will be shocked how good the 7000 is.
If you email me privately and I will send you a photocopy of either the original DSP 7000 or DSP 7000 M3 manual (I have both). Here is how you can tell what series your 7000 is:

Series 1 - original 20 bit dac, it also has a de-emphasis indicator light
Series II - Burr Brown PCM63 Series K dac
Series III - Pacific Microsonics PND100 HDCD chip, Digital Flywheel. De-emphasis indicator light replaced by HDCD indicator

I also agree with the above post, DSP 7000 Series 3's are excellent candidates for modifications and make an already good dac sound awesome.
Sattothestars, Would you have the phone number or website of Boelen electronics?
"BRF Is there any external indication between the 7000 and 7000 m2?"

No, the Mk1 and Mk2 look identical with no external differences. EAD did not silk screen Series II on the faceplate as they did with late production Series III. Many of the original Series 1 were sold with the gold faceplate. Upgraded Series 2 to 3, and early production series 3, have a HDCD badge placed over the de-emphasis indicator light (which now denotes HDCD disc). Late production series 3 had HDCD silk screened and series III on the faceplate.

Boelen Electronics # is 641-469-5092 in Fairfield,Iowa.
Ask for Frank or Greg. Good people to work with concerning
Ead products.
Thanks for all the input.. I took the top off to find it's a 7000. The build quality is mighty impressive. Can't help but love well made gear>>>>>:)
Can the 7000 MKIII gold faceplate be replaced with silver, or black? I am buying a used one and don't want gold at all!
Does anyone want to trade a black one for a gold one? When I get it, I will give a description of it. I don't know which of the ones described it is.

P.S. Do you guys have a list of places that will mod this dac? I am pretty ignorant. What is the bad rap about the 7000 and is it with all models?

Again Thanks...
bad rap? What actually happened was the absolute sound gave the 7000 a excellent review and purchase recommendation then stereophile for some reason gave it a bad review I believe it was just to create controversy which obviously does sell magazines. Anyway stereophile was absolutely flooded with letters from ead owners who were very much in disagreement with their review. The ead 7000 is a very musical sounding digital converter. The absolute sound review was correct stereophile review was not period.

Turns out what I bought was a 7000 MKI upgraded to an MKIII. It has the HDCD badge. I still don't want the gold face plate though. I am sure that this will make it less likely that anyone will trade me.
somebody out there would probably be happy to swap their black face plate for your gold one. I would have about 8 months ago when I had the ead in my video system in a heartbeat. try running a wanted ad they always get results for me.

Here is my next question: Will the 7000 process 5.1 for a DVD through a digital coax cable, or will it only do 2 channel stereo? In other words can I watch a movie where the DSP processes 5.1, or can I only listen to a 2 channel cd?
