A rubber cement such as Goodyear Pliobond might do the job, & it is easily peelable for later removal.
EAR Footers: Which ones, how to install?
Picked up a bunch of the little rubber things, hopped over to their website to get some info, seems their domain name is up for sale. I have a dozen of the little ones, which I believe is meant for sub 15lb gear, and 20 of the crown style bigger footers that is meant for heavier stuff. I've been told by the Parts Connection to use the little ones as a direct replacement on tuners and CDP's and to use one of the big ones per 10lbs on heavy stuff (so my BATVK500 amp woulds need 10 of the big footers?) Finally, any recommendations on some sort of glue I can use, to attach the feet to the underside of amps etc, but if need be remove the feet without destroying the underside of the gear? Thanks for any and all replies, Jeff
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