Eastern Electric Mini Max vs AE-3 DJH preamps

I've been looking around for a good tube preamp for some time. I've looked at new and used on Audiogon and on E-bay and wanted to keep the price around $1000. I keep coming back to these two, Eastern Electric Mini Max and AE-3 DJH. Their price new is about $1100 and I've read some good reviews on both. Any opinions about these two preamps? I need some help making up my mind.

I will also be looking for a 200 w/ch SS amp to go with one of them, if anyone has any suggestions.

While I can't speak for the MiniMax, I have read many great things about it.

I can speak for the AES AE-3 DJH. It's a great pre-amp. Dead quiet. Tube rolling does make this pre even better (even EH 6SN7s are an improvement over the stock Chinese tubes). A friend of mine is considering selling his (much) more expensive (and quite respected) pre-amp to acquire an AES AE-3 DJH. My only issue with this pre is their selection of capacitors in this model. I'll soon swap mine out for some Auricaps (which shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes). Oh, the silkscreening on the faceplate is awful but can be removed with some acetone.

We all hear things differently, and my experience with an AES AE-3 DJH / AES Sixpacs / Vandersteen 2ce Sigs combination was not imbalanced at all. Matter of fact, this may be the first posting ever to imply a system with Vandersteen speakers was bright. To each, his own.

Bottom line is that that as along as the pre-amp output / amp input impedance ratios are within an acceptable range, you'll be happy with either choice.
Hey....I have a heavenly combination of the AE-3 DJH and the brand new PS Audio GCA 100 amp. The analytical quality of the Gain Cell technology in the PS Audio is beautifully balanced by the tubes (including rectifier) of the AE-3. It allows me to dramatically hear the difference in tubes. Changed my life. I can finally hear the difference in an old Sylvania "Bad Boy" and a CBS Hytron. My speakers are the new Signature Totem Mani-2. The AE-3 loves Silver Sonic Air Matrix cable, by the way.

I think I can speak to this issue as I have owned both. I recently sold the MiniMax. I actually had both at the same time for about 6 months, and I preferred the AES by a wide margin. The Minimax offered more detail, but the AES offered more tone. I think the bigger 6SN7 tube is betteer in a preamp. I sold the MiniMax because I wasn't listening to it.
I had an audiophile friend over several times (he's retired, just turned 65 and has owned a LOT of gear [compulsively discerning]) and he thought the MiniMax was nothing special. He ended up buying a DJH with remote after hearing mine.
Mingles, with the djh you want an amp that has a fuller sound, stay away from Bryston and such. As you may know, the only weakness of the pre is that it is a bit lean in the deep bass area.