Hi dorkwad (feels awkward writing that),
Speaking as someone who demo'ed the Andra IIs on several occasions without actually having owned them, the answer is no at either their new or used prices. Starting with used, speakers available for about the same price used (or in some cases much less) that I would happily choose over the Andra IIs include: Genesis V / 300; Audio Physic Avanti IIIs; Dunlavy SC-IV; and Thiel CS6. As to why, each of these speakers in my experience offer a greater level of low level resolution of detail, better microdynamic shadings, a more realistic soundstage, and a better balance through the midrange with less coloration. The Genesis 300s also significantly outperform the Andras in macrodynamics and low level extension.
At their new price (~$19k before the III was introduced), there are a number of speakers I would select over the Andra IIs, including speakers from Marten, Magico, Tidal, Aerial, Audio Physic, Dali, and others.