
Discussions dorkwad has started

Verastarr Grand Illusion Statement power cord rules4680
The new CapCellBar upgrade by Bob Smith on Nuforce Ref 9 V3 SE mono amps33976
TRL DUDE preamp469314
How long can I expect tubes to last on a preamp or MW CD player?161713
How long is the break-in time for a Sophia Electric Blue 6SN7 tube?331110
Low profile CC speaker that is good sounding396713
How was the sound of your TDSS upgrade to your Nuforce Ref 9 amps?865719
Has anyone tried the Star Sound trans mod with their TRL DUDE preamp?25242
Sistrum racks and the use of Herbie's tube dampers24530
VMPS speakers--Who has had great success in bringing their VMPS speakers to new heights?880424
Eggleston Works Andra II speakers as forever speakers.770911
Anyone tried an Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX in their TRL DUDE preamp?329411
TRL DUDE question19012
Killer combo--RTS couplers plus Sistrums platforms32776
Audio Magic umbilical w/ Modwright CD players50025