Verastarr Grand Illusion Statement power cord rules | | 468 | 0 | |
The new CapCellBar upgrade by Bob Smith on Nuforce Ref 9 V3 SE mono amps | nick897 | 3397 | 6 | |
TRL DUDE preamp | laaudionut | 4693 | 14 | |
How long can I expect tubes to last on a preamp or MW CD player? | dorkwad | 1617 | 13 | |
How long is the break-in time for a Sophia Electric Blue 6SN7 tube? | dorkwad | 3311 | 10 | |
Low profile CC speaker that is good sounding | dorkwad | 3967 | 13 | |
How was the sound of your TDSS upgrade to your Nuforce Ref 9 amps? | nick897 | 8657 | 19 | |
Has anyone tried the Star Sound trans mod with their TRL DUDE preamp? | dorkwad | 2524 | 2 | |
Sistrum racks and the use of Herbie's tube dampers | | 2453 | 0 | |
VMPS speakers--Who has had great success in bringing their VMPS speakers to new heights? | dorkwad | 8804 | 24 | |
Eggleston Works Andra II speakers as forever speakers. | fraterperdurabo | 7709 | 11 | |
Anyone tried an Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX in their TRL DUDE preamp? | dorkwad | 3294 | 11 | |
TRL DUDE question | grannyring | 1901 | 2 | |
Killer combo--RTS couplers plus Sistrums platforms | audioblazer | 3277 | 6 | |
Audio Magic umbilical w/ Modwright CD players | brownsfan | 5002 | 5 | |