Anyone here familiar with this integrated?


I just received my ECI 6 today and I must say this is a very musical amp. I can see how this amp might not be for all taste, but what amp is? Details seem to come from out of nowhere. Very strong and grunty bass.  Of one hint of grain. Smooth as butter. I have 4 other amps. Pass 250, Hegal 390, Mac 352, Accuphase 380.  Compared to my pass it does not sound as large or tall.  


Since I rotate 4 amps it’s been a while since I’ve listen to the Hegel. I can say the ECI 6 has a much stronger bass or slam if you will. However as of right now I prefer the sound of the Hegel


Wow -- that's surprising. Strong bass has typically been one of the commonly perceived attributes of the Hegel. 

What is it about the Hegel you prefer "right now" ? 

I enjoy the warmth of the Hegal and its  very articulate bass. It sounds good with any types of music. The ECI 6 has Krell like forceful  bass. The Hegal in contrast has a more relaxing sound which I prefer. However my ECI 6 is only 2days of playing so I’m sure it needs some break in time.