ELROD IC cables, who has demoed them?

Elrod power cables has been, and are , one of the best with Srealth dream and NBS, and i¨m interested to know if someone has heard the news silver and gold interconnect cables, and how it compares to PAD, Stealth Indra, Pranawire, Siltech and others similars. Thanks

Disclaimer : I am a dealer for Elrod Power Systems .

David Elrod has just completed a new line of Interconnects , speaker cables and power cords .

PCs : There will be Signature and Statement versions of both the Silver as well as Gold series.

ICs and Scs : There will be Signature and Statement versions in the Gold series.

The original Signature and Statement series have been redesigned and simplified. Signature Silver and Statement Silver are their new designations. This new line features flexible ends as well as top of the line Oyaide connectors. They are no longer component specific. The Statement and Signature Silver's work well with both low current and high current components.
The Gold series of Pcs builds on the design of the Silver series and takes it to the next performance level. Like the Silvers, they also feature top of the line Oyaide connectors and flexible ends.The cables still retain his design look and are thick in the center but the last 10 inches of each end is reduced in size and flexible. This is but one of the major design changes .
The Ics and Scs will use Bocchino connectors . The Ics and Scs will also incorporate the new flexible end design .

This cable line is an all out assault on the cable market and represents 3 years of exhaustive research and development from David. These new cables will only be available from a small group of dealers who are authorized to sell Elrod Power Systems products .David's website will be up in January/ February.
Thanks for the update Brent. I've long been a fan of David's work. I am even happier to read that he will finally have a website up and running. I've long felt that David has been successful in spite of himself. Previously he has enjoyed much success based solely on word of mouth. I'm sure with a website he will be even more deservedly renowned.

Hi John ,

You are correct , the success of Elrod pcs has been all word of mouth { well, that is everyone's but his } as he is as humble a man as I have ever met. This new cable line is something he has been working on for quite some time . His patience not to rush this new line to market was testament to his vision which is to only release a new product when it is fully mature. Too many naive designers rush products to market and then change or constantly upgrade their products . Its poor business and the consumer suffers. David is the opposite . The Sonics of this new cable line will do all the bragging as David is above being pretentious
I have many powercords almost equal to statement series or twice the expensive the signiture line of Elrod, but never replaced my Elrod Signiture 2 with any of them. Someone who says DCS gear sound analy. and cold must hear with Elrod cable. ( I have twice the expensive Valhalla on reserve but simply can't sound good as elrod.)