Elrod vs. Virtual Dynamics: Thoughts???

I'm not sure this is a fair comparison since most of the VD PCs (unfortuanate abbreviation) are more costly than the Elrods. Still, it would be interesting to hear your experiences with these 2 brands. Please mention specific models. Thanks.

I had the $550 VD david and $1600 Elrod signature 3 from the cable company on loan. The two where very comparable, except the elrod sounding a bit brighter for my taste. At one third the cost as Mr elrods I knew Rick had something special with his power cords.
I only heard the early Nite II VD and owned the ELrod Sig 3 for a long time. Never found the Elrod "bright", never. The Nite II was thin sounding but very clear sounding. I preferred the Elrod Sig 3 to many power cords on my Pass Labs X-250 power amp and my buddys Graaf 5050 tube amp. The Elrod had a very seductive mid-range character, sweet highs and very good bass.

Hope this helps.
I wasn't impressed with the Nite II and found it similar sounding to what BigKidz described - Harmonically threadbare but high on clarity. I haven't heard the Elrod cable but there have been many positive comments and reviews.
I still own a Statement that David customized for me (male plug has been centered to better fit between my amp - at the time - and my Hydra 8). When I upgraded my amp to a true dual mono I needed to acquire an additional PC. There was simply no way that I could wrestle two Statements into my system; tried VD Masters which are much easier to work with (you should check out the applicable, ongoing thread here on Agon) and, with no sonic loss, replaced the Elrod. I'm not that familiar with the EPS Sig series, but the Statement is outstanding. An excellent choice if one has the room to accommodate its bulk. OTOH, the Masters are as smooth, create as large a soundstage and, as they continue to break in, provide a magnificent synergy with the rest of my cabling/electronics/speakers.

Both products are well worth the $, IMO.