I have had different wraps on them in the past, and stuffed foam inside too (what is your stance on that?), but they are naked now.
In the past I experimented a lot with the I Beam, PSI - multiple pumps, Wiring, and different carts. I also own all three armwands. So I exchanged the armwands. I've never run the aluminum & CF tubes naked that I can recall. My take is Bruce put it in the tube for a reason; but the tonearm is very easy to tweak, so I would try and use it whichever way it works in ones system, understanding that it is resonating more without the foam. Thinking about it, the aluminum wand may work better without foam, in a cart like the Sonus Blue Gold - Dynamic Compliance: 50 x 10-6cm/Dyne. I have run that cart on the ET2 with no problem at all but the foam was in the aluminum wand.
Have you tried running your tonearm with the highest vertical inertia - the least amount of weight possible on the I beam ?