end of an era ......

first howland and now joule has stopped production....
Everything in hi-end audio is dying. The rate of decay varies depending on how the outfit you are citing is set up and what kind of products it sells. No matter how you slice it though, the tree is dead. If it continues at all beyond my lifetime, it will be a mostly DIY niche with a few guys like Vinnie Rossi left standing. The crazy pricing will subside as well. For the most part rich guys only want that stuff because they can afford it and you can't. As we die off, so will the allure that feeds the rich guy ego now.

And let's not forget the bigger picture --- the last economic meltdown was just a preview. The next one will surely result in devastating inflation. We are headed for the Middle Ages.
"We are headed for the Middle Ages."

I saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail...not that!!!!!
If only Victrolla had not gone out of business. They would be ready to reclaim market share once the collapse came. Oh, the irony!
As an ordained audio haruspex, I foresee troubles too. IMO, prudence dictates that audiophiles who expect to be involved with our hobby buying very good gear from well capitalized companies with good reputations and long histories. IOW, companies that have a good chance to be around if you need help.

Given that many of us are in our late 50s to late 60s, I wouldn't fret about too long a horizon. Even if we stick around, how long will our hearing (aids) hold out?

A couple of notable examples includes Harman, ARC, Paradigm, Focal. There are many other fine companies. The one listed just came to mind as I was writing this post.

Consider ... if legends like a Bob Carver or Mark (The Man) Levinson completely retire, who will run their last closely held companies. Although I am sure their name and brand will live on for a long time, who will support the gear from their most recently resurrected privately started ventures.

Again here is another example that quickly comes to mind, not a blanket statement. ARC supports most of its older gear with original stock parts. And some of those early ARC models are 30+ years old. ARC is part of a larger audio group, but still continue on even though its founder and audio legend William Z. Johnson is no longer with us.

Similarly, I am confident that if I blow a Paradigm driver in my Sig. 8s, the company will be around and parts will be available for the mid-term.

By contrast, some of the super-high end boutiques who charge a gonad for their gear are probably not well capped, high volume operations. Let's face it, we're getting longer in the tooth. And some of us don't even have teeth. How many of our kids will be around to support these cutting edge companies.

Here's another factoid. Hi Fi House, an old B&M store in my area just closed its doors after 30 years in business. How can the manufacturers stay in business if the retailers can't survive.

Look audio haruspicy has its limits. So take my comments with a cup of electrical component entrails. LOL
