Entire system cable recommendation

I wondering if anyone can share what cables they've had success pairing with components below. I'm looking to spend from $5k-7k, new or used. Any recommendations are appreciated.

Thanks for the help,

- Audio Research DAC8
- Musical Fidelity M6500i
- Monitor Audio PL300 speakers
DNM HFTN IC's and Speaker Wire, solid core copper so neutral it is like having co cable at all. If bought new you could do your system for about 1k depending on length, and send the rest to the Rodge827 Hurricane Sandy Recovery Fund :-). OK maybe not, but you don't need to spend that much and get superior quality sound.
Thanks for all feedback. Audiogon's forun is fantastic!
Here in Brazil we don't know about many good brands on market.

I like "uncolored cable" idea. Already tested Kimber and Transparent.
Kimber is better for my ears. Most natural sound, but models that I have (8TC and KS1111) can hear touch of "Warm" sound. I think nordost is fantastic but not for my tastes.

I've read good things about audioquest. The currently line is very expensive. Will look for useds!!!

For power cord? Some especific recomendation?
It is even more simple: Purist Audio powercables, Audioquest loudspeakercable. Interlinks I would go for AQ or Kimber. I have sold many Pl-300's. I played with them for over 5 years with the Nordost Valhalla. But the new AQ loudspeakercables are superior to the Nordost cables. Audioquest and Kimber works very well both with Monitor Audio. These days I play with the Pl-200 and PLW-15 togheter. The Pl-200 is in timing and focus superior to the Pl-300. Wenn yo use a PLW-15 it will winn every single battle with ease. They use a better and different filter what makes it a much better speaker.
Try some silver or silver with gold, maybe Siltech http://www.siltechcables.com/ , if you like.
Recently, I auditioned SilverFi cables and they are fantastic, you can find more info up here http://www.silverfi.com/
Purist Audio make in my opinion the best powercables. Audioquest does not even come close. I tested them and compared them. Purist Audio does every single part better than there competitors.