Entry Level Tube Preamp or Higher Quality Used Model?

Hi All-

Overall I have great system that I’m happy with. But I recently heard a tube preamp and am smitten. There appear to be some well reviewed affordable models from Schiit Audio and Rogue, etc. that can be had for relatively short money. However for roughly the same price I can get a used piece from a traditionally higher quality brand like AudioResearch, Conrad Johnson, etc.

I’d like to stay around $1500 or less. Balanced operation would be good too. No phone pre section needed. The Schiit Freya+ Seems to be a good economical option. Are any of the new Chi-Fi brands worth a look? Does anyone have a recommendation?


Unlike the Audio Research, and models from many other companies, the Aesthetix is and will continue to be serviced by Aexthetix. ARC still services almost everything they ever sold. The only thing to stay away from is the units that used those potted modules, those parts are no longer made.
Several years ago I was looking for a preamp, found a clean serviced SP8MKII and have been very happy ever since. Love the built in phono preamp as well.
audio research recently changed hands (again), but back to old guard folks, so i would imagine the arc ethic and care will live on as much as practically possible

but bill j and leonard and others we knew are gone (rip), there are newer folks that are less linked to the history of the place when it was founded and built its reputation, so even dealing w the new guard like greg c the technical/service mgr, it feels rather different

that being said, arc will live on, and care for customers with old gear as much as possible