Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening

Erik the big difference is you go out of your way the start new anti Pass Labs threads, even though you word them in such a way as trying to being objective.

The person on Audiogon who will die from lack of eating to go out of his way to attack pro Class D amplifier threads would like to slander me by repeating a previously made and never substantiated and very very false accusations.

It’s amazing when some one has zero self awareness.

Hey George, I’m going to go start a thread about Class D amps I like. Do you think that will grab your interest for the end of the year??
ect ect ect
I would have left it alone with one or two of them. But three are more than my OCD can bare. Sorry.
It is "etc." From the latin 'et cetera.'
Hey Erik, big difference sunshine, unlike you I don't start "hatred threads" that single out a particular manufacturer like you do.
I have my generalized negative or positive say on ones that are already being discussed, by other OP's   
Agreed.  Mods take this down. Not productive and attacking one Agoner is not what this forum is for.