Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening

Who cares what Erik likes or dislikes. It’s his opinion and should have no bearing on what your ears like. He doesn’t like colored amps. It’s like McIntosh, some love them and some hate them. I find Eriks posts hilarious. He definitely knows how to push buttons. Wonder if he related to my wife. 
there are plenty of brands that I don’t love.
Do/would you, go out of your way, to single out and start (quite a few now) degrading threads on a manufacturer you don’t like??, like he does with Pass Labs?

To this date Nelson Pass is one of the heralded and praised audio designers this world has known.

I don’t like the "sound of Mosfets" and his later Mosfet designs (understand, Mosfets are much more bomb/idiot proof).
I much prefer his earlier Bi-Polar designs that had far more current available (but can go Chernobyl), but I appreciate totally what he does with the Mosfets.

He’s always used low feedback and sometimes only "local" not "global" feedback in his designs, that’s why he doesn’t get the 0.0001% distortion figures, that "others" get only because of **** loads of feedback around their amps.

Cheers George
distortion figures can teach us some things but not everything (don't forget slew rate, noise floor, current capability, crosstalk, EMI/RF rejection, power supply ripple rejection, etc);

I've had my share of amps with low to super low distortion figures (and in the case of the Benchmark amp significantly!) on the test bench when subjected to single frequency sine waves, and each has a sonic signature; 
In the final analysis, though, the one that really ought to matter, is: does it sound like the real thing with your system gear? Does it tend to make you want to turn up the volume because you can't wipe the smile off your face and you need more? Does it help you forget that you are listening to electronics? Does it speak to you emotionally? Pass is at least one amplifier manufacturer that has gotten this way right; They are popular for a reason!
Pass for President! (ok sorry for that, lol)

Who cares what Erik likes or doesnt like? By responding to his posts you may be giving him much more credence than he deserves. If you anticipate a trollish post then ignore him. Just like the Klipsch fanboys should ignore my Klipsch posts which are almost always negative. This country is turning into a bunch of p*ssies!

For the record I liked my Pass 30.8 and absolutely hated my First Watt. But I do have a few criticisms of the Pass .8 series "house" sound. The only amp design I cant fault, assuming you have the correct speaker load, are OTLs. 

I cant imagine what would happen with a few of you if someone gave you something really significant to complain about.