timlubDo/would you, go out of your way, to single out and start (quite a few now) degrading threads on a manufacturer you don’t like??, like he does with Pass Labs?
there are plenty of brands that I don’t love.
To this date Nelson Pass is one of the heralded and praised audio designers this world has known.
I don’t like the "sound of Mosfets" and his later Mosfet designs (understand, Mosfets are much more bomb/idiot proof).
I much prefer his earlier Bi-Polar designs that had far more current available (but can go Chernobyl), but I appreciate totally what he does with the Mosfets.
He’s always used low feedback and sometimes only "local" not "global" feedback in his designs, that’s why he doesn’t get the 0.0001% distortion figures, that "others" get only because of **** loads of feedback around their amps.
Cheers George