Esoteric X-01 versus Oppo 105 Darbee for CD audio?

I realize the price difference. But technology changes have been dramatic since the original X-01.
Just saw this thread. I cannot imagine a stock Oppo keeping up with serious gear. Now, once modified (yea, I do this) then they are another whole league better in sound and can compete with much more expensive pieces. The advantage of a modded Oppo is that it is so versatile. But if you just need a DAC....then there are other options including the new Schiit Yggy which is getting fanstastic reviews and is a mere $2300.
I owned an OPPO 105 before purchasing the K-01. Not even in the same league.
Aren't you giving too much credit to the Oppo with your statement. The fact that this $1k player is being compared with $20K+ player, should say something about the Oppo. I am sure the Esoteric is in a different league, but so is the entry price.
Hello Skinzy. Thanks for input. Could you advise how you used your ac power conditioning unit with your Oppo?
The isolation in the K-01 is quite exceptional; I would imagine "vastly" better than the Oppo 105. I'd like to get a handle on the difference between the K-01 (on its own) and the Oppo 105-with additional conditioning. Thanks for your thoughts.
Not in the same league with the X-01/D2 either. Now, you may not like the voicing of the Esoteric, but the Oppo is nowhere near the Esoteric in overall sound quality. The Esoteric excels in depth, delineation of tones and notes, weight, bass, etc. You get my drift. And it shouldn't be anywhere near the Esoteric. The Esoteric has a world class transport, much better power supply, and overall build. There is no video circuitry to deal with either. The better the supporting cast, the more apparent it becomes.
But, the Oppo plays movies, and sounds pretty damn good too. And even at a good price of around $5000.00, the Oppo is one fourth the price. So as a overall performer, the Esoteric wins. But, as an overall value, the Oppo is a much better deal.