Esoteric X-01 versus Oppo 105 Darbee for CD audio?

I realize the price difference. But technology changes have been dramatic since the original X-01.

I have heard fully active Linn systems, but I have no experience with Chord products. From your description the Hugo sounds quite interesting.

I am quite fond of the Esoteric X-01 D2, but I just found a great deal on the PS Audio DirectStream DAC and Perfect Wave Transport. As this pairing has received huge accolades from professional reviewers and end users alike, I would love to hear from anyone out there with direct comparison experience against the Esoteric.

Once I complete my cross-country relocation, I will let you know how the Oppo 105 Darbee fairs against the X-01 D2 (at least in my system: Ayre KXR and Rowland Capri preamps, Theta amps, Vienna Acoustic Mahler 1.5 speakers, Furutech Reference III cables and XLR interconnects).

Warm Regards,
Just saw this thread. I cannot imagine a stock Oppo keeping up with serious gear. Now, once modified (yea, I do this) then they are another whole league better in sound and can compete with much more expensive pieces. The advantage of a modded Oppo is that it is so versatile. But if you just need a DAC....then there are other options including the new Schiit Yggy which is getting fanstastic reviews and is a mere $2300.
I owned an OPPO 105 before purchasing the K-01. Not even in the same league.
Aren't you giving too much credit to the Oppo with your statement. The fact that this $1k player is being compared with $20K+ player, should say something about the Oppo. I am sure the Esoteric is in a different league, but so is the entry price.