Etheregen - doesn't seem right that it gets so hot, dangerous? Unpredictable?

This network device as glorious as it may be gets extremely hot, almost burning to the touch. Something doesn't seem right about that.

Is there a good alternative to using this thing, it was about $600 which isn't cheap. Optical connectivity which I like seems to be a good thing.

Frankly I'm not sure what the value is it with it vs something else that may be operationally more healthy to use.  So I disconnected it because the heat level seems kind of dangerous.  I have no confidence that it will Control itself and get absolutely and dangerously too hot in the future.


Showing 1 response by vinylvalet

Same with the Sonore opticalRendu (discontinued) that I own. Burning hot stock 7V supply (cheap Chinese power supply available on aliexpress for about 1/4 of what Sonore charges). I added big heat sinks that hardly helped. Finally added the linked fans; still hot but no longer dangerous.

Quiet Fans