you are, again, absolutely wrong. USB and HDMI is not the same as Ethernet, and do not have a multi layer stack of error detection and correction.
But way more important, and here is what you cannot seem to grasp, doesn’t matter how much information is given to you, the signal does not need to be perfect, as long as it is discernible a 1 or a 0, the signal is acceptable. There is no improvement in “packet quality” if you have a perfect signal, because there is no such thing as packet quality. What you are saying is essentially that your package from Amazon will have significantly better content if it was delivered in a Rolls Royce vs an Amazon truck, which is ridiculous. You get what you ordered regardless if it was delivered in an Amazon truck or a Rolls Royce.
If your packet somehow, including all the way down to the components of what you ordered, is damaged, Ethernet/TCP/IP will reject it and request another package. USB on the other hand will give the box a quick glance, and if the box looks ok, it will accept it.