Ever heard of, any opinions on, these speakers?

Sinclair Brighton 490T:


I've not heard of them, but they are in our local shop, and extremely reasonably priced. They sound good, but I haven't compared them other other speakers much.


Showing 2 responses by zydo

I'm a Sinclair Dealer. Very well made, and nice looking speakers, nicer than they look in photos. I was really impressed when I opened mine. Fairly heavy, at about 75 lbs. They won't beat out a 5k pair of speakers, but, I'm enjoying mine alot at the moment. Pretty hard to beat for the price.

I'm running mine at the moment with a 300 watt Sunfire amp, Adcom GFP 750, and an Arcam DV139. They will play loud, if you want them to. Mine show no signs of distress, even when pushed far beyond where I would ever listen.

Albert, MSRP on the 460T is $1500.


My first impression with the bass was the same as yours. I think they have settled down nicely now. They sounded totally different after I put some hours on them. I have these in a second system, and the room is all hardwood floors, a couch, and one chair. No room treatments, so, I expect the room is a bit to the bright side. I have not tried them in my main system. That may be a factor, but, I don't find the bass "bloomy" or "loose". I like the resolution... For the cost. I have much better at home, but they cost much more as well.

I also sell PSB and Klipsch, to name my two top sellers. I've had B&W, ProAc, KEF, and many others over the years. I can't list all of it on here due to manufacturers restrictions.

The 460T's that I had, sold out quickly. In hindsight, I wish we had ordered more. I had a special offering for Maple, which is not usually available. Are you looking at the Maple by any chance?

I don't know what you can buy these for, but, I don't think you would be disappointed in them. I don't use them for critical listening, but, in this system, I'm very pleased.

If you want to contact me, you can email me at zydo1966 at yahoo dot com. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. Pity you live so far away from me, we could put them in my main room, and spend some time with them.

Are they audio nirvana? No. Are they a good value? I'd say yes. I'm listening to them as I type, and I'm enjoying them.
