Eversolo DMP A6 with or without preamp

I just bought an Eversolo DMP A6, and it sounded great by connecting directly to my MacIntosh MC302 amp. I am trying to figure out why it seems to sound better than going thru my Mac C2300 tube preamp which shouldn’t be too shabby. 

Are most of you using this DAC/Streamer by directly connecting to the amp?  Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. 



Direct feed into the amp sounds more clear and transparent.  I don’t have a mic to precisely adjust the volumes for an equal comparison, but that’s what it sounds like to me. I am also going to play around different interconnects. Maybe that’s also the problem. 

I have gone back and forth with trying dacs straight to amps, and with preamps. Straight into the amp always sounds different,  not necessarily better,  depends on the dac . Some will sound good at first,  then you realize it doesn't really have the drive a real preamp provides. 

So a dac needs a good preamp section,  which  a lot of cheaper dacs doesn't have. 

Direct feed into the amp sounds more clear and transparent.

Shocker.  That’s exactly why I recommended trying some more neutral/transparent tubes.  You can play with wires and tubes if you want, but it sure sounds like too much thick Mac syrup in your system and the A6 is giving you a needed dose of transparency and fresh air when combined with your amp.  If you can, try something like an ARC, Linear Tube Audio, or Backert tube preamp in your system and you may be very positively surprised as they’ll all offer much more than the A6 could ever hope to as a preamp — as they well should.  I think the A6 gave you a small glimpse into the improvements you could have in store, and I’d recommend pursuing that further as there’s clearly (pun intended) something there. 

Thanks for all the great advice. 

I'm going to order some Telefunken tubes for the C2300 (highly recommended on the forums and why not) but also give the preamp more time for my ears to adjust. Never know how it's going to end up but should be a lot of fun with lots of different variations.

Trade in the C2300 for a digital preamp.  I have the MDA200,  it has the preamp section from the C53, and it sounds wonderful straight into my 7270.

I prefer a dac/preamp combo with separate streamer, as compared to streamer/dac with separate preamp. 

You can get the MDA200 for about the same price you can sell the C2300 for, and it has the latest D2 dac.