Experienced only: What have you done with room correction?

I like to sometimes ask questions just to learn how others have experienced a technology and this is one of those times.

I’m genuinely curious about who has applied automatic room correction, and what your experience was? Did it turn your Monitor Audios into Martin Logans? Your Martin Logans into Wilsons? 😀

Good and bad, but experienced only please!

For the record, I use it for HT now and I’m meh. I had much better luck with manually (with tools) adjusting my miniDSP.  Also, I'm absolutely not looking to buy anything, I just want to read about your experiences because it is fun.


For somebody who does without even tone control, obviously automatic room correction is out of my league. Went with building a dedicated listening house instead.

I’ve heard TacT (now Lyngdorf) completely transform a couple big $$$ systems to the point where you wouldn’t wanna listen to the system without their RC.  Avoid it at your own risk.  The ONLY reason I didn’t incorporate it into my system until now is because I was writing equipment reviews and couldn’t use it because it wasn’t appropriate for reviewing purposes.  Now that I’m free I’ll be all in for adding some kinda RC.

@soix like a TDAI amp, or what?

people in apartments, or homes that are not easy to change things in, may only have limited passive options… and RC becomes the only viable option.

I avoid tone or EQ for my mains.   I use a Velodyne SMS  1 x over / EQ , that is the extent of my electronic room correction.    I barely use the sub but using the SMS -1 makes the low end just right 

 like a TDAI amp, or what?

@holmz Correct.  Back when I heard the TacT correction I was reviewing equipment so really couldn’t use it in my system, but now I’ll absolutely be looking to add some form of RC without a doubt because the benefits are amazing unless maybe you have the flexibility to turn your listening room into an adult romper room.   I now have a tube pre and a completely upgraded McCormack amp so not sure Lyngdorf has something for me (although if they did I’d buy it in a heartbeat if in budget) and I’ll definitely add some GIK room treatments, but I’m also fully intent on incorporating some form of RC in the near future.  Might be as simple as something like a DSpeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 or something, but it’s gonna happen because IME the results are more than worth it.  FWIW.