Exploring Preamp options for the Pass XA25

Please feel free to share preamp options for the XA25. I presently have an Acoustic Research LS-3 and am not sure this is the perfect combination. The Pass Headphone preamp is one option that I'm considering. Tube preamps?
OK- I had to look that one up. With a 47K input impedance a large number of single-ended tube preamps will drive that with no worries. You already have some excellent suggestions in this thread. Do you need a phono section?
I have a musical surroundings nova phonomena and a musical fidelity LX LPS. I’ll let you be the judge.
Using the Pass XP10 with 250.8 a great combo, one should be available in your price range.
How about Modwright SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition? Speak to Dan Wright at Modwright, he may have one on hand for you to audition.